Monday 3 October 2016

REAKING:MMM Nigeria Hits 1Million Participants

Despite all the bad publicity  against MMM Nigeria and warnings from CBN , Nigerians continue registering on MMM Nigerian website.

So many Nigerians have benefited from this community which seeks to create a financial fair play among citizens of the world by creating a platform where people can give and get help regularly. MMM Nigeria has contributed immensely in helping to cushion the effect of economic recession.

Benefits of MMM to Nigerian Society. BY GUIDER OLA DAN

(1) MMM has created room for more Data Plan purchase. Glo. MTN. Etisalat. Airtel.

(2) MMM has also created an avenue for Banks to make more money. The transfer we the MMM members do with our mobile banking and also direct payment in bank. We are been charged #105 as the case maybe. For each transfer. So you see that banks are benefiting.

(3) MMM members buy things in the market very often.  The market woman are able to sale their food stuff. Even Fast Food,  Restaurant are booming all because of MMM. 

(4) MMM has also educated the society and its member through Seminars.  Let people know that one must not suffer so much to get paid.  Creating avenue for people to learn computer, To be able to P.H and G.H.

(5) MMM has Crown it all by giving back to the same society that Benefits from it.  Example are Charity organization are been set up.  Orphanage home visitation. Taking care of Burnt Victims. Just to mentioned but few. 

(6) MMM has been able to engage the minds of young and the unemployed, and has given them courage to withstand this harsh period of recession.

(7) For the civil servants in this period of delayed salaries payment,  MMM system has sustained them and has never delayed payment nor owed.

(8) for Nigerian students of Tertiary institutions MMM has been able to provide them feeding money, pocket money, money for book,school materials and even tuition etc. Thereby helping them to have better college life.

(9) MMM has been able to bridge the gap between the upper and lower class individuals of the Nigerian society by creating an avenue for everyone  to meet basic needs.

(10) reduction of cyber crimes. MMM has motivated Nigerian citizens that instead of defrauding pple online to make money that they should Rather PH and GH and that way no one is hurt. 

(11) MMM has further enhance fairness, care and national unity. In the  spirit if PH and GH we do not choose ourselves who to help but the system does  that way  encourages to help our fellow country men/women.

(12) MMM has helped Nigerians to be conscious, and thereby killed dat spirit of Africa man time. As d system has shown us dat time is of essence. @ ph & GH.

(13)MMM has increased our tithe  and donations levels  in the our various churches.

The list can go on as d                    benefits are enormous and cannot be over emphasized.

 (14)MMM has also increase our various statement of account as a result of  inflow and outflow of funds from PH &GH.This can help us for embassy or reference purposes.  Therefore SEC and CBN we do not need to fight the system that is helping us in several ways. Is like biting the finger that feeds u. If u haven't benefited directly certainly u know someone that has. MMM has come to stay. MMM Is d change we need, Truly MMM pays. Together we can change the World.


Friday 2 September 2016

South African Government Admits MMM is Not a Scam

South African Government Admits MMM is Not a Scam

The government and media in the past weeks ran some nasty allegations against MMM South Africa. The media painted it as a scam, ponzi scheme, pyramid scheme, etc. As we all know it by now that the media actually apologized for calling MMM a ponzi scheme and meanwhile the government on the other hand has implicitly admitted that fighting MMM is fighting a losing battle–they were shooting themselves in the foot.

Government Admission is inform of Donation Tax

The government’s proposal that MMM Members must be made to pay donation tax on anything over R100,000 is a clear statement that the criminalization of MMM was wrong. Being the capitalist that they are, they will go to the very last statement in the constitution to make sure that they get their greedy hands on the MMM money. Taxation is used to curb people’s power–capitalists hate it when you buy yourcars, clothes, TVs, Houses cash because that means they don’t get your money through their evil debt system.

Why donation Tax is illegal for MMM Members

When government admits MMM is not a scam, they are effectively saying MMM members do not break any rules and that means the community is operating legally. The donation tax will in turn not be legal on MMM since it’s not registered as a company, corporation or charity organisation–basically not registered at all and so a donation tax therefore, becomes illegal just because someone is giving money to another person. We could as well call that a gift.

Giving a Gift is Not a Crime

In MMM, money is transferred from one member to another member and that transfer is a normal process that occurs everyday amongst ordinary people so it is going to be very hard for government to even tell that this money is from a MMM member or not. They will have label ‘giving’ illegal if they are to get a piece of the MMM pie.
So Mavrodians, no worries, gifting is not criminal and there will be no donation tax and if the force it down our throats, then we ain’t voting—#HANDS OFF MAVRODIANS

And for those that haven’t joined yet, you are missing big time–click here and register now


Friday 22 July 2016


Bellow are the step-by-step on how to protect your MMM PO using GA

Google Authenticator (GA) is the authorization method for additional security to enter your Personal Office. GA is an application. It’s generating a code to access your Personal Office. GA can be used even without internet connection. It can be installed on smartphones, laptops, PCs, tablets.
How to install Google Authenticator application.

=> Android devices

Requirements — version 2.1 or later.
  1. Visit Google Play page.
  2. Search for “Google Authenticator”.
  3. Install the application.

=> iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad

Requirements — version iOS 5.0 or later.
  1. Enter App Store.
  2. Enter the search term Google Authenticator.
  3. Download and install the application.
App configuration:
  1. Get the key (GA) in the Personal Office. The instructions are described below.
  2. Open Google Authenticator app on your mobile.
  3. Click "+".
  4. Click Time based (tag 1).

=> PC and laptop

  1. Install the "Mozilla Firefox" Web Browser.
  2. Follow this link
  3. Type "Google Authenticator" in the search box and press enter.
  4. Find "Google Authenticator App" and click "Free".
  5. Find One Pop up window in the top left of the browser. It will ask — Do you want to install "Google Authenticator" from this site ( Click "Install".
  6. Check you have an icon on your desktop.

Thursday 21 July 2016



This is a question that can never stop being asked. I have tried explaining this severally BUT its like "magic" to so many. I understand everyone's fears that's why I will break it all down further mathematically below.

Let's say,

100 donations came in from 100 participants at #2,000 each = #200,000
In order for the 100 donations to be paid their 30%, that means #60,000 extra donations must come in.

The BIG QUESTION is then how?

Sunday 10 July 2016


1. Click on “Provide Help”
2. Click on the box indicating that you have read the warning, then click on Next
3. Click on Other bank (for Naira) or Bitcoin (for bitcoin) then click on Next
4. Type the amount you wish to donate in your Deposit amount. NOTE: Do not put comma in the figure.
5. Click on Select (in front of deposit amount).
6. Type in your Leftover Distribution, Same as your deposit amount.
NOTE: If this is your first deposit, or the first time your donation exceeds #10000 make sure you click on the box to get your bonus.
7. Click on Next.
8. Type in the Image code, then click on Next
9. Confirm your deposit amount, then click on Next
Your request has been added, click on “OK”

$20: for donation of$50-$499 (N18,000- N179,780) 
$50: For donation of $500-$2,999 (180,000- N1,189,780)

$100: For donation of $3,000 (N1, 200,000) and above

1. Click on “Details” on the order.
2. Copy the Bank account details of the recipient
3. Send the amount to the recipient either by transfer via online banking or cash deposit.
4. Take a screenshot of the Send Complete(successful transfer) Page and save it.  Save it where you can easily find it. In case of cash deposit, snap the teller and save it. If it is a transfer on ATM, snap the successful transfer page. This is your Proof of Payment(POP)
5. Go back to MMM Dashboard
6. Click on details on the order. OR the blue "Play" button on the order.
Scroll down to the bottom of the pop up page.
Click on “I Complete this payment”
7. Click on “Browse File”, Search for the screenshot or snapshot of your proof of payment. Attach the file
8. Click on Next.
9. Click on Next
1. Click on Mavro and click on "Available for Withdrawal" to know how much u can withdraw.
2. Now click on Dashboard.
3. Click on “Get Help”
4. Select Bank Account or Card Registered earlier is marked
5. Click on Next
Select your bank account,
6. Click on Next
7. Select the Mavro Amount that you want to withdraw, Click on “all” for each mavro amount and it will provide a total; or you manually enter the amount you want to withdraw.
Just click on "All" in front of d mavro amount of ur principal, registration bonus, referral bonus.
8. Then click on Next
Confirm your request,
9. click on Next, then click on OK
10. Click on “Dashboard” to view your details.


1. Login to your MMM PO
2. Click on the half-green, half-black button. Or click on “Details” on the order.
3. Click on Confirm Funds Reception
4. Confirm Funds reception by clicking on “OK”

According to the System rules, within 3days after receiving assistance (Asking for Help), you must write a "letter of happiness" which will be posted in the section "Testimonials" on the MMM website.

The letter is free form, but it should contain:

1. Your name (nickname is allowed).
2. Status (member, 10th Guider, etc.)
3. Residence (for example, "I'm from Lagos, 

You can reach me on any of these mediums for more assistance on getting started.
Abdulrasheed Opeyemi (MMM Nigeria Guider)
Phone:- +2348067586349
Skype:- semmyth
Whatsapp:- +2348067586349
BBM:- 56473EE9

Wednesday 6 July 2016


 What is MMM?

MMM is a global mutual aid community. MMM is social financial donation exchange network. MMM is a million n million community of people who have agreed to willingly extend financial helping hands to each other via donation.
MMM is not a bank, an investment opportunity, a business but simply a community of people helping each other financially.
MMM has no central pocket were money is been deposited. Transactions are done peer to peer
MMM is run by the community i.e. You and I. We just have a technical program that regulates what we do and what we can't do. The technical system controls how much we can request as help or withdraw and how much we can provide as help or deposit

MMM is composed of 3 components


How does it Work

You know about the popular word 'Contribution' where people contribute money to one person and there's a book where everyone's name is written. When it gets to your turn; everybody's money is given to you...

In MMM, we make pledges to donate our SPARE money to members  who need the money. We do so by logging into our MMM account Personal office (PO) to make the pledge. We join the queue of people who made pledges after making the pledge.
We ONLY make pledges. We don't gather our pledges to give to one person. In MMM there is no CENTRAL ACCOUNT (No bank account where all our pledges are paid into). Members transfer money directly to each other.
Now, if a member in the community who has already made a pledge to provide financial help to another member and has fulfilled his pledge now needs help, he does that by logging into his MMM account (Personal Office) to say so. 
The system, connects him with the person in the queue for providing help. If it's your turn on the queue to provide help; when you log into your Personal Office, you will receive the details of the person to provide financial help to.
As soon as you pay the money directly into the person's bank account  who needs that financial help and that person acknowledges he/she has received the money, you are now qualified to receive help.
 You then log into your personal office to ask for financial help. Someone/people in the queue who's turn it is to provide help will be assigned to pay you 30% of the donation you provided + the donation money itself.

How to participate and benefit financially in MMM

Frequely asked Questions and Answers (FAQs)


 What is MMM?  

MMM is a mutual network, where people provide financial help directly to each other in automatic private offices via internet with growing help index Mavro. The power of giving lets you receive 23 times more than you gave to others in one year.

How to join MMM

You need to have a link of a person who introduced you, you need a working e-mail address and cellphone number to register on the system.
 or  CLICK HERE  to register and become a member.


How can I benefit from MMM?

Minimum donation is #1000. You just make request in your personal office (PO) to
Provide Help (PH) and after that, the system will find you another participant who

wants to Get Help (GH) at the moment. Then you will deposit the funds directly to his/her bank account.

He/She will confirm it, and you will receive equivalent #1000 Mavro that will

grow at a rate of 30% PER MONTH. After 2 weeks you can receive all

#1000 + % for that period from other participants, provided your PH

has been confirmed.


If you are already a participant in MMM and you want to register new participants under you,  Please read.
FELLOW MMM PARTICIPANTS its high time I taught you how to register so as to speed things up.
Step 1:
Go to MMM official website HERE, click on registration on the top far right corner
Fill the form appropriately, put your MMM registered email in the invite box.
Guider's Email:
Guider's contact: 08067586349
Please write down these guider's information somewhere, enter security check
Then click on register.
Step 2: